Trusted Mole Removal & Control Services

ASAP Wildlife Control and Removal offers:

  • Mole Removal
  • Mole Control
  • Mole Damage Repair

No, our wildlife removal company doesn’t do any skin care related services for moles, but we do make sure that your yard stays flawless.

In order to keep your yard in tip-top condition, our wildlife removal technicians provide the finest yard mole removal services to properties in the greater Chapel Hill area. Though these troublesome creatures might be mistaken for being rodents, they are actually mammals which are closely related to the shrew family. These odd looking creatures can be quite a sight if you see them come up from the ground.

Mole Damage In Your Yard

mole trapping services - ASAP WildlifeWhether you see the popular eastern mole, unique looking star-nosed mole or the more rare hairy-tailed mole, these little creatures are capable of causing quite a lot of damage to your lawn. Because moles spend their lives digging tunnels underground searching food, they will consequently destroy the roots of your lawn or your plants. They will not eat the roots, but they will simply kill the grass above as they dig through the roots while looking for grubs and other small insects. 

In order to prevent mole damage to your lawn or plants, it begins with protecting your lawn against these small creatures. However, if your lawn already has a grub and mole problem, the only way to stop this from continuing is to place traps along their tunnels. Here at ASAP Wildlife Control and Removal, our mole removal technicians will use their skill and experience to determine the best means of removing these small creatures in order for your lawn to return to its original state.

For all of your mole removal and trapping needs in the greater Chapel Hill area, contact the trusted mole trapping and removal experts at ASAP Wildlife Control and Removal today!

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